hat is the mobile Gallery?
In 2010 the artist Jessica Treffler (Germany) realised the Idea for the mobile gallery in her own car – since than the mobile Gallery has hosted various exhibitions and installations.
This innovative gallery space brings art directly to the audience at various places within the public space. Thus it transports the artwork even to those who are not the typical museum user. It is free of charge and offers an unconventional platform for artists as well as supporters and sponsors by reaching a wide audience.
In times of spying-software paranoia “Farwerke” is making a point with its voluntary GPS-Tracking.

It introduces movement into the otherwise often static art world and thus keeps culture and its consumers fresh!
The Exhibition management of the mobile Gallery is supported by the brain4art e.V. (terms and conditions of both brain4art e.V. and frischkunst apply for exhibitions). Frischkunst – Jessica Trefflers Studio for art and therapy is continuing to tun the gallery.
All sugesstions and exhibition proposals as well as support offers should be send to:
Infos about brain4art e.V. are found here or on www.brain4art.org
To put new Exhibitons on the road and bring them to the people the mobile gallery depends on sponsorship and support:
On this webpage a new platform for the recent exhibition, the artist and the GPS-live-tracking monitor via google maps is proposed.
Furthermore the future exhibitons are suggested to include installations, film work and sculpture. Therefore special equipment will have to be installed.
For equipment as well as the programming and installing oft he GPS-tracking and web platform, brain4art is hoping to find sponsors or funding for this project.
Sponsors will not only profit from the PR-effekt of the mobile gallery and websites its broadcast on, but from being a part of this addition to this innovative cultural development.
Mobile gallery moves to Bulgaria:
The strikingly yellow Cinquecento is supposed to show new exhibitions in Veliko Turnovo form October 2014 on, in cooperation with the project “URBAN SHORTCUT”. As both concepts of “URBAN SHORTCUT” as well as “frischkunst Fahrwerke” have a common goal it was only logical to join forces in order to bring art to the public…
The first proposed exhipition will present the project „EU-Profituer oder Weltenflaneur – The world is our Oyser!“ by the two german artists Leonie Pichler und Jessica Treffler präsentieren.
After this the gallery will serve for future exhibitions and artists in the town and for the “URBAN SHORTCUT”.
Simultaneously the new “Mobile Galerie 2.0” in Germany will be launched to go on the road. Therefore it will be possible to connect different or show the same exhibitions parallel to those in Velilo Turnovos “Mobile Galerie 1.0” – thus a shortcut will be made not only for the art and its audience but also on an international level, and between the homecountries of the mobile galleries.
To relaunch the GPS-tracking system and to keep this public art platform running this project will depend on sponsorship.
*Please note: The mobile Gallery is not in use at the moment! We hope to get it back on the road soon, in order to bring art to the public.